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    How to uninstall applications 2022 Solutions

    One of the keys to Android phones is in the applications, which we can introduce and uninstall voluntarily. In any case, there are cases where we may encounter problems when uninstalling apps on the laptop, something that is not always approached in a similar way and that we can guess will not be simple 100% of the time.

    How to uninstall applications 2022 Solutions

    In order for you not to experience these errors, we will show you everything you should do before uninstalling applications and therefore stay away from surprising errors. However, we will likewise cure those applications that can't be removed from the versatile inexplicably for us. Whatever your concern is, we invite you to investigate other potential fixes that will sometimes be the answer for your circumstance.

    The two fundamental choices for uninstalling applications on Android.

    Before we focus on the issues, we ought to show you the two cycles we have accessible for uninstalling applications we never need on our telephones. Both strategies ought to work right away, despite the fact that if in this cycle you experience the error of uninstalling apps, you ought to keep perusing our answers.

    Uninstall apps quickly

    The choice that most clients choose to uninstall their versatile applications is to simply hold down the application symbol. This makes us observe a progression of alternate routes among which it appears to erase or uninstall on Xiaomi, Huawei or Realme telephones among others. In this way we simply need to squeeze it and affirm the activity with the goal that this application is henceforth not on the laptop.

    Be that as it may, a few telephones, like the Google Pixel, don't enable us to do it this way and by holding down the symbol we simply hover over the data button (I). When we contact it, it will take us straightforwardly to the following strategy we have in Android to uninstall applications, as if it were an easy route.

    Delete apps from the settings

    The other option we need to delete portable apps scrolls with gusto in MIUI, EMUI, ColorOS or Realme UI customization layers however fundamentally comprises these means:

    • We go into Settings.
    • We access the Apps segment.
    • We choose the app we need to uninstall.
    • Lastly we tap the "Uninstall" button.

    Preventing applications from leaving documents on the phone

    The instant we remove an application with the techniques we have seen accessible, we are triggering a potential issue with the uninstallation records. All applications create a stockpiling memory and a progression of information that can stay in the gadget's memory even after deleting them, and so in the pioneers of documents we go over the remains of the applications.


    The main thing we need to do so that this doesn't reoccur in our versatile and uninstalling applications eradicates all information, is to totally erase them before application expulsion. It is something rather more confusing to do later on most Android mobiles and for that reason, we have to do it earlier with these means:

    • We go into the versatile Settings.
    • We go down to the applications.
    • We select the one we need to delete.
    • We click on Storage.
    • Here we have to delete the storage and all the information of the applications.
    • Finally, we can uninstall the application.

    I can't uninstall an application on Android

    It is extremely normal to locate applications where the option to uninstall doesn't show up, which could be expected mainly to the way that the framework needs the application to work properly. Without them, the notebook might stop getting notifications, enable us to make warnings or even stop getting calls. In spite of the fact that assuming we make sure what we do, we can avoid this issue with applications that don't uninstall and get it "removed".


    The choice that we don't enter Android to not quickly have the application on the versatile depends on weakening the application. It won't have a similar impact as introducing it, however it's a quick and successful technique that we can likewise return to the first state whenever in the event that issues arise from this change.

    • We have to go to Settings > Applications.
    • Obtain the application we are referring to.
    • Press the handicap button and affirm it.

    The laptop does not finish uninstalling an application.

    One more of the cases we come across that can shape tangles is the huge problem of eliminating stuck versatile applications is an application that never finishes the uninstall process. This may be because the application is damaged and the framework is unable to finish the removal cycle. Fortunately, there are ways around this.


    The quickest and easiest thing to do is to reboot the laptop by holding down the power button until you see the option to reboot on the screen, or turn it off and then turn it on. After rebooting, repeat the means to try to remove the application this time.

    Assuming the problem continues, the best fix will be Android's protected mode. With this strategy, apps that have no place in the framework will stop, but we can go into Settings > Apps and uninstall them without a similar problem as above. To use the experimental mode we must:

    • Press and hold the power button.
    • Press with your finger for a couple of moments the off button on the screen.
    • As soon as the protected mode sign appears, we recognize it.

    Problems uninstalling applications on the phone

    A real test that we will encounter seems when we try to uninstall some of the applications that come preinstalled on Android phones. They are very few, however in spite of the fact that they are excessive for the activity of our versatile, we can't get rid of them without any trouble. They are known as bloatware and in spite of the fact that we can allude to it as an issue, it is a term that implies naturally added programming and appears to a greater or lesser extent on all Android phones.

    Xiaomi Problems

    Before we start with the various answers to remove preinstalled apps, you should know that it is certainly not a simple cycle. Sometimes it is even important to root the laptop and subsequently we are going to lose the producer's warranty. It is only suggested for customers with specific information, mobiles that don't have anything of significant value inside them like documents or photographs. At MovilZona we are not responsible for any damage that these techniques may cause.

    Uninstall bloatware on Android with root

    One of the options that we must rearrange to get to uninstall bloatware apps on Android depends on the famous root. Facts confirm that with the progression of time this technique is getting less and less important, however supposing we need to uninstall one of these applications that are essential to bloatware, we can depend on it.


    We should be prepared to follow every one of the means to root the versatile Android, however once it is done, we will just need to introduce from Google Play the application to erase bloatware. With the help of this application we will actually want to get rid of all the framework applications, so we will need to be attentive not to erase one of the ones we do need.

    Removing applications via ADB

    An option that likewise permits us to uninstall applications from the laptop with issues and can be exceptionally valuable depends on ADB commands. It is not simpler than setting up the versatile and it additionally carries its dangers, so we should follow the means cautiously and in an organized way to attempt not to make mistakes.

    To begin with the cycle we should go into Settings > Phone Info > Tap on the form number until the engineer choices are triggered. Next, at that point we can begin with the cycle really showed by how we have to handle the laptop, with caution in light of the fact that we might contact the framework components.

    • We enter in Settings > System > Developer options.
    • Inside we have to enact the "USB Debugging".

    The following stages we have to do on our PC, starting with introducing Platform Tools for Windows, Mac and furthermore Linux. We unlock the document and introduce the program on our PC. At this point we have to open the CMD on Windows or the framework devices on Mac and Linux.

    • At this point it is time to associate the laptop to the PC with the USB link.
    • Inside the order screen we must stroll to compose the codes.
      • First we must put adb gadgets and press enter (at any time we put another command).
      • Next we must enter adb shell pm list bundles

    We will get a list with all the applications with the name that remembers Android, we must try to find the application that we need to delete and duplicate the full name in a text report for example.

    • When we have the name of the bundle that we are going to uninstall, we go to the following command.
    • Type adb shell pm uninstall - k - client 'application name'.
    • Where it says "application name", we replace it with the name that we had previously replicated.
    • To finish we simply close the command stage and uninstall the portable to check that the application is not generally introduced.
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