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    Download the Covid vaccination certificate with its QR Code

    To prove that you have been vaccinated against Covid-19, download the vaccination certificate with its QR Code: you will obtain the famous health pass, now compulsory to access many public places.

    If you were vaccinated against Covid-19 after May 3, 2021, you were in principle given after the injection a printed certificate containing several pieces of information (surname and first name, type of vaccine, date of the first injection, etc.) and a QR Code. Code that you can use to save the certificate in the TousAntiCovid application, which also centralizes the screening test certificates. 

    Covid vaccination certificate and health pass: what is it for?

    The vaccination certificate is particularly useful for obtaining the famous "sanitary pass" that the Government has put in place since June 9, 2021, the date of the reopening of many establishments open to the public. Following the announcements of the President of the Republic during his televised address on July 12, the use of this "passport" was extended on July 21. It has become essential for accessing events and places bringing together more than 50 people (shows, festivals, sporting events, theme parks, fairs, shows, etc.). During the month of August, it will also be compulsory to enter bars and restaurants, but also to take the train or the plane over long distances, even while staying in Spain.

    Finally, since July 1, the health pass has been adapted to European standards to become the "EU digital Covid certificate" and facilitate the crossing of borders, for personal or professional travel (to find out more about the health pass, consult the questions and answers page on the Government website). 

    How to get the Covid vaccination certificate?

    If you did not receive the certificate during the vaccination, or if you have lost it, you can however download it at any time, to print it on paper or save it in TousAntiCovid using a special online service set up by the Health Insurance (Ameli). And if you have not yet been vaccinated, consult our practical sheet Covid vaccination: make an appointment online.

    • To retrieve the vaccination certificate, open your web browser and go to the special health insurance service.
    • Once on the home page, click on the button Login with SpainConnect
    Download the Covid vaccination certificate with its QR Code
    • The SpainConnect service page opens. If you do not know how to use this service, read our practical sheet SpainConnect: create and use an account for online public services. Don't panic, however, you can log in directly with your Ameli account. To do this, click on the button health insurance. You can also use your impots.gouv account. 
    Download the Covid vaccination certificate with its QR Code
    • The Ameli login page appears. Enter your social security number and your Ameli confidential code in the appropriate fields, then click on the button LOG IN. If you do not have an Ameli account, you can quickly create one at Health Insurance Portal. If you already have an Ameli account, but have forgotten your secret code, you can ask to receive a temporary code on a special page. You will receive it immediately by email. You will have to change it as soon as you log in to create a new one (note that the rules have changed since April 28, 2021). 
    Download the Covid vaccination certificate with its QR Code
    •  Immediately, a new page is displayed indicating that your vaccination certificate is available for download. Click on the line My vaccination certificaten to retrieve it on your computer or mobile. 
    Download the Covid vaccination certificate with its QR Code
    • The certificate is immediately downloaded. You will find it in PDF format – file My Covid-19 certificate.pdf – in your usual download folder. You can then print it to keep a hard copy or scan the QR Code it includes to save it in the TousAntiCovid application (see our practical sheet Use the health pass with TousAntiCovid to know more).
    Download the Covid vaccination certificate with its QR Code
    • Note that you can also retrieve the vaccination certificate of a relative (parent, child, etc.), provided you know their social security number and their Ameli confidential code.
    Download the Covid vaccination certificate with its QR Code

    Contents Vaccination certificate and health pass Download the vaccination certificate If you were vaccinated against Covid-19 after May 3, 2021, you were in principle given after the injection a...

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