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    Google Play Store: How to Fix Top Problems

    Are name="-"> you name="-"> having name="-"> trouble name="-"> with name="-"> the name="-"> Google name="-"> Play name="-"> Store? name="-"> Even name="-"> if name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> context name="-"> of name="-"> so-called name="-"> "normal" name="-"> use, name="-"> this name="-"> should name="-"> not name="-"> happen, name="-"> it name="-"> is name="-"> sometimes name="-"> possible name="-"> to name="-"> encounter name="-"> them. name="-"> As name="-"> annoying name="-"> as name="-"> they name="-"> may name="-"> be, name="-"> these name="-"> little name="-"> malfunctions name="-"> are name="-"> nonetheless name="-"> often name="-"> very name="-"> easy name="-"> to name="-"> fix. name="-"> You name="-"> still name="-"> need name="-"> to name="-"> be name="-"> able name="-"> to name="-"> identify name="-"> them name="-"> and name="-"> know name="-"> how name="-"> to name="-"> do name="-"> it.

    Here name="-"> is name="-"> the name="-"> list name="-"> of name="-"> main name="-"> little name="-"> tips name="-"> which name="-"> will name="-"> allow name="-"> you name="-"> to name="-"> get name="-"> rid name="-"> of name="-"> most name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> problems name="-"> encountered name="-"> with name="-"> the name="-"> Google name="-"> application name="-"> store.

    • To name="-"> read name="-"> : name="-"> Google name="-"> Play name="-"> Store name="-"> error name="-"> codes name="-"> and name="-"> how name="-"> to name="-"> fix name="-"> them
    name="-"> name="-"> aria-describedby="caption-attachment-142499" name="-"> style="width: name="-"> 700px"> name="-"> src="/images/posts/dcdcc94201842cf1fc164e2b3d39a02e-0.jpg">
    name="-"> Google name="-"> Play name="-"> Store, name="-"> how name="-"> to name="-"> fix name="-"> problems!

    name="-"> name="the-google-play-store-is-not-working-here-is-the-solution">The name="-"> Google name="-"> Play name="-"> Store name="-"> is name="-"> not name="-"> working, name="-"> here name="-"> is name="-"> the name="-"> solution

    name="-"> name="1-clear-the-cache">1. name="-"> Clear name="-"> the name="-"> cache

    It's name="-"> so name="-"> obvious name="-"> that name="-"> you name="-"> wouldn't name="-"> even name="-"> think name="-"> about name="-"> it name="-"> yourself name="-"> and name="-"> yet, name="-"> a name="-"> simple name="-"> clearing name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> cache name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> Google name="-"> Play name="-"> Store name="-"> application name="-"> solves name="-"> the name="-"> main name="-"> problems name="-"> encountered name="-"> with name="-"> the name="-"> Google name="-"> application name="-"> store.

    name="-"> name="-"> src="/images/posts/dcdcc94201842cf1fc164e2b3d39a02e-1.jpg">

    To name="-"> clear name="-"> the name="-"> cache, name="-"> all name="-"> you name="-"> need name="-"> to name="-"> do name="-"> is:

    • Go name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> menu name="-"> Settings> name="-"> Applications
    • Go name="-"> to name="-"> tab name="-"> "All"
    • Select name="-"> application name="-"> Google name="-"> Play name="-"> Store name="-">
    • Click name="-"> on name="-"> the name="-"> button name="-"> " name="-"> Empty name="-"> the name="-"> cache name="-"> "

    name="-"> name="2-clear-data">2. name="-"> Clear name="-"> data

    Flushing name="-"> the name="-"> cache name="-"> did name="-"> not name="-"> resolve name="-"> anything? name="-"> Maybe name="-"> then name="-"> you name="-"> will name="-"> solve name="-"> the name="-"> problem name="-"> by name="-"> erasing name="-"> the name="-"> app name="-"> data. name="-"> For name="-"> this, name="-"> the name="-"> process name="-"> is name="-"> practically name="-"> the name="-"> same:

    To name="-"> do name="-"> this, name="-"> all name="-"> you name="-"> need name="-"> to name="-"> do name="-"> is:

    • Go name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> menu name="-"> Settings> name="-"> Applications
    • Go name="-"> to name="-"> tab name="-"> "All"
    • Select name="-"> application name="-"> Google name="-"> Play name="-"> Store name="-">
    • Click name="-"> on name="-"> the name="-"> button name="-"> " name="-"> Erase name="-"> data name="-"> "

    Once name="-"> the name="-"> application name="-"> has name="-"> been name="-"> reset, name="-"> all name="-"> you name="-"> have name="-"> to name="-"> do name="-"> is name="-"> relaunch name="-"> it

    name="-"> name="3-uninstall-the-latest-updates">3. name="-"> Uninstall name="-"> the name="-"> latest name="-"> updates

    If name="-"> you name="-"> are name="-"> the name="-"> type name="-"> to name="-"> install name="-"> the name="-"> latest name="-"> versions name="-"> Google name="-"> applications, name="-"> using name="-"> their name="-"> APK name="-"> files name="-"> without name="-"> waiting name="-"> for name="-"> the name="-"> app name="-"> to name="-"> update name="-"> itself name="-"> (and name="-"> we name="-"> understand name="-"> you!) name="-"> on name="-"> your name="-"> smartphone, name="-"> this name="-"> can name="-"> sometimes name="-"> cause name="-"> problems. name="-"> Here's name="-"> how name="-"> to name="-"> get name="-"> around name="-"> it name="-"> by name="-"> reverting name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> previous name="-"> version:

    • Go name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> menu name="-"> Settings> name="-"> Applications
    • Go name="-"> to name="-"> tab name="-"> "All"
    • Select name="-"> application name="-"> Google name="-"> Play name="-"> Store name="-">
    • Click name="-"> on name="-"> the name="-"> button name="-"> "Uninstall name="-"> updates"

    name="-"> name="4-clear-the-cache-of-google-play-services">4. name="-"> Clear name="-"> the name="-"> cache name="-"> of name="-"> Google name="-"> Play name="-"> services

    If name="-"> after name="-"> these name="-"> three name="-"> operations name="-"> the name="-"> Play name="-"> Store name="-"> is name="-"> still name="-"> not name="-"> working, name="-"> there name="-"> is name="-"> another name="-"> little name="-"> trick name="-"> you name="-"> can name="-"> try. name="-"> This name="-"> consists name="-"> of name="-"> clearing name="-"> the name="-"> cache name="-"> of name="-"> "Google name="-"> Play name="-"> Services". name="-"> A name="-"> small name="-"> invisible name="-"> application name="-"> linked name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> functioning name="-"> of name="-"> Google name="-"> services name="-"> but name="-"> which name="-"> can name="-"> sometimes name="-"> cause name="-"> some name="-"> trouble. name="-"> Here name="-"> is name="-"> how name="-"> to name="-"> do name="-"> it:

    • Go name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> menu name="-"> Settings> name="-"> Applications
    • Go name="-"> to name="-"> tab name="-"> "All"
    • Select name="-"> application name="-"> Google name="-"> play name="-"> services name="-">
    • Click name="-"> on name="-"> the name="-"> button name="-"> " name="-"> Empty name="-"> the name="-"> cache name="-"> "

    name="-"> name="-"> src="/images/posts/dcdcc94201842cf1fc164e2b3d39a02e-2.jpg">

    5. name="-"> Check name="-"> that name="-"> the name="-"> download name="-"> manager name="-"> is name="-"> activated.

    If name="-"> you name="-"> go name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> Play name="-"> Store, name="-"> we name="-"> agree name="-"> that name="-"> it name="-"> is name="-"> to name="-"> download name="-"> applications name="-"> there. name="-"> The name="-"> download name="-"> manager name="-"> must name="-"> still name="-"> be name="-"> activated, name="-"> otherwise, name="-"> it name="-"> is name="-"> impossible name="-"> to name="-"> offer name="-"> you name="-"> new name="-"> apps! name="-"> Here name="-"> is name="-"> how name="-"> to name="-"> check name="-"> that name="-"> the name="-"> latter name="-"> is name="-"> functional:

    • Go name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> menu name="-"> Settings> name="-"> Applications
    • Go name="-"> to name="-"> tab name="-"> "All"
    • Select name="-"> application name="-"> Download name="-"> manager
    • If name="-"> the name="-"> manager name="-"> is name="-"> disabled, name="-"> click name="-"> on name="-"> the name="-"> button name="-"> "Activate"

    name="-"> name="-"> src="/images/posts/dcdcc94201842cf1fc164e2b3d39a02e-3.jpg">

    6. name="-"> Miscellaneous name="-"> tips

    If name="-"> none name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> above name="-"> tips name="-"> have name="-"> worked, name="-"> that name="-"> doesn't name="-"> mean name="-"> you name="-"> should name="-"> give name="-"> up name="-"> because name="-"> it name="-"> can name="-"> simply name="-"> mean name="-"> that name="-"> the name="-"> problem name="-"> is name="-"> even name="-"> less name="-"> serious name="-"> than name="-"> those name="-"> mentioned name="-"> above.

    Here name="-"> is name="-"> the name="-"> list name="-"> of name="-"> some name="-"> tips name="-"> which name="-"> can name="-"> be name="-"> extremely name="-"> effective:

    • Check name="-"> that name="-"> your name="-"> smartphone name="-"> is name="-"> on name="-"> time
    • Disable name="-"> your name="-"> VPN name="-"> by name="-"> going name="-"> to name="-"> Settings> name="-"> Wireless name="-"> & name="-"> networks> name="-"> VPN 

    name="-"> name="-"> src="/images/posts/dcdcc94201842cf1fc164e2b3d39a02e-4.jpg">
    • If name="-"> your name="-"> smartphone name="-"> is name="-"> rooted, name="-"> delete name="-"> the name="-"> hotst.txt name="-"> file, name="-"> using name="-"> a name="-"> file name="-"> explorer

    If name="-"> none name="-"> of name="-"> these name="-"> tips name="-"> worked, name="-"> the name="-"> problem name="-"> is name="-"> more name="-"> serious. name="-"> In name="-"> this name="-"> case, name="-"> there name="-"> is name="-"> another name="-"> solution name="-"> which name="-"> is name="-"> to name="-"> restore name="-"> your name="-"> machine name="-"> to name="-"> factory name="-"> settings, name="-"> as name="-"> we name="-"> explained name="-"> to name="-"> you name="-"> in name="-"> our name="-"> last name="-"> tutorial. name="-"> In name="-"> this name="-"> case, name="-"> consider name="-"> making name="-"> a name="-"> backup.


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