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    How to activate Stories on Instagram

    Update the Instagram app

    How to activate Stories on Instagram

    If you have any problems with the Stories of Instagram, the first thing you need to do is make sure you have installed the latest version of the application on your Android, iOS or Windows 10 device, in order to use the latest features on the social network. This is a very simple check to carry out; then follow the instructions you find in the following lines and you will certainly not go wrong.


    How to activate Stories on Instagram

    To verify that the application of Instagram is updated to the latest version available on Android, you have to start the Play Store, the default virtual store of the Google operating system through which games and applications are downloaded, purchased and installed.

    Then tap on its icon (it's the one with the colorful play symbol present on the home screen), presses the button with the symbol () and, finally, tap on the item Le mie app ei miei giochi. Now, refer to the sections named Install e Updates: if in one of these two screens there is the app icon of Instagram and the wording Update, it means that the application is not updated to the latest version and therefore you have to proceed manually. To do this, press the button Update and, at the end of the download, start the app by pressing the button apri of the Play Store or by tapping on its icon on the main screen of the device.

    What I have just indicated is the procedure for manually updating applications. Usually, in fact, Android applications are able to update automatically, but it may be that you have not activated this setting. In this regard, I recommend that you read my tutorial on how to update Android apps, in order to activate this last feature without errors.


    How to activate Stories on Instagram

    Sui device iOS It is equally easy to check for updates for installed apps through the App Store and, if necessary, to manually update them.

    Through the main screen of your device, press the icon of theApp Store (it is the blue one with the symbol of a stylized "A") and the first button Updates (The down arrow symbol), which you can find in the bar below.

    If in this section there is the app icon of Instagram, it means that the application needs to be updated. In this case, press the button Update and wait for the download and installation to take place automatically.

    I remind you that, if you wish, you can activate the feature relating to automatic updates for iOS apps. In this regard, if you want to know how to proceed, I suggest you read my tutorial dedicated to the subject.

    Windows 10

    How to activate Stories on Instagram

    The Stories of Instagram are also available in the application for Windows 10, as long as, also in this case, you have updated the application to the latest version available. To do this, click on Cortana's search bar, next to the wording Write here to search, type il finish Microsoft Store and tap on its icon in the search results (it's the symbol of a white shopping bag with the Windows logo in the center). When the application is started, press the button with the symbol (...), located in the upper right corner, and then click on the item Downloads and updates.

    Now, press the button Retrieve updates, to start the automatic search and download for them. At the end of this operation, start the application of Instagrampigging your pulse starts of the Microsoft Store.

    Activate Stories on Instagram

    How to activate Stories on Instagram

    Once the Instagram, you must log in to the platform using your account data. You have not yet registered a Instagram or you don't know how to log in? Don't worry, read my tutorial on how to create an account or the one in which I explain how to log in to the platform.

    As I explained to you, the Stories of Instagram are a feature present by default on the social network, but an additional step may be required for their correct use.

    Through the initial section of Instagram su Android, iOS o Windows 10, presses the button with the symbol of a little man, to view your profile screen, then tap on your profile picture. Now, press the button Open the camera and then grant the application permission to use it and the microphone by tapping on the confirmation items that appear.

    Su Windows 10, if you are unable to grant the app permissions related to the camera or microphone, go to the section Impostazioni> App of Windows.

    How to activate Stories on Instagram

    Find the application icon of Instagram, click on it and then on the item Advanced options. Through the section App authorization, finally move the lever from OFF a ON, in correspondence with the indications Camera, Microphone, Pictures e Video.

    Adjust privacy for Instagram Stories

    Instagram offers the possibility to customize the privacy of the Stories, allowing them to be hidden from some users. The operation to be performed is exactly the same by acting through the app for Android, iOS e Windows 10. To adjust this setting, tap on your profile picture and then press the button with the gear symbol.

    Through the section named Stories options, tap on the item Hide the story a and, from the menu you see on the screen, locate the person you want to hide your Stories from Instagram. You can also search for the desired person using the internal search engine, in correspondence with the wording Search. Then put the check mark on the name and press the button end (and the √ symbol on Android) to confirm your choice.

    You can deactivate the display of Stories for a specific user also at a later time: tap on your profile picture to see the story made and then swipe down, so as to see the section dedicated to the people who have viewed the your Story. Through this section, press the button with the symbol (x), in correspondence with the name of your interest, and then confirm the operation by pressing the button Hide.

    In case you change your mind, just go back to the section Stories options and remove the check mark next to the added name.

    Turn Instagram Stories notifications on and off

    How to activate Stories on Instagram

    Another option related to the customization of the Stories of Instagram is the one that allows you to activate notifications for Stories created by users, so as to be sure not to miss the updates shared by the people you follow. This operation can be performed in the same way by acting as a device Android e iOS and, as a prerequisite, you need to follow the person for whom you want to turn on notifications.

    Then locate, through the section Explore (The symbol of a magnifying glass) or through the main section (the symbol of a small house), the person for whom you want to activate notifications, presses on his username and then on the buttons Follow(...) top right.

    How to activate Stories on Instagram

    Finally, from the on-screen menu, tap on the wording Turn on story notifications. The wording History notifications enabled will confirm the success of the operation.

    At any time, if you change your mind, you can turn off previously activated notifications. Press the button again (…) and press on the item Turn off story notifications. The voice History notifications disabled will appear on the screen to confirm the correct execution of the procedure.

    How to activate Stories on Instagram

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