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    Instagram archives your memories so you never lose them again

      From now on, rather than permanently deleting one of your posts on Instagram, you can choose to make it private so that you can repost it in public whenever you want.

      Instagram archives your memories so you never lose them again

      Instagram is adding a new feature called Archive, which hides your posts so they're only visible to you. This will not prevent you from switching them back to public mode later. The advantage is that it saves you from permanently deleting your photos.

      Archive is currently being tested and has been unveiled on Twitter.

      Instagram adds a new archived posts feature

      — Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) May 22, 2017

      The captures show us that it is a new space that can be consulted in the application. To archive an image, simply select the “…” visible on the right side of a post, then choose “archive”. On your profile then, in the upper right corner, the circled clock icon allows you to consult your archives and make them visible again.

      Instagram continues to improve its photo sharing application. Lately, it has (again) taken over one of the major assets of its rival Snapchat, namely the filters for stories. Remember that Instagram Stories has more users than Snapchat, which is the origin of this concept.

      Instagram archives your memories so you never lose them again


      Download Instagram Free APK Instagram archives your memories so you never lose them again Instagram: guess what new idea was stolen from Snapchat (spoiler: filters) Instagram archives your memories so you never lose them again Instagram archives your memories so you never lose them again

      Instagram and Facebook Messenger never tire of cheerfully taking inspiration from Snapchat's ideas, desperately trying to replace ephemeral little ghost messaging on young people's smartphones (successfully). Snapchat filters...

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