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    macOS Big Sur: beware, the update is breaking many MacBook Pros!

    Installing macOS Big Sur on some older MacBook Pros (circa 2013 and 2014) causes a fatal bug that freezes the system to the point of rendering it completely unusable. Affected customers explain that it is not even possible to access the system reinstallation. 

    macOS Big Sur: beware, the update is breaking many MacBook Pros!
    Credit: Apple

    According to many testimonials on the Apple and Reddit forums installing macOS Big Sur on some MacBook Pro models is a really bad idea. Some machines indeed encounter a fatal bug when trying to install the update. Their computer screen goes black, and the mac appears to be frozen.

    Affected users say they tried to regain control over their computer in various ways, but apparently, once the screen goes black, it is not possible to do anything on the machine. Including reinstalling macOS Catalina while waiting for Apple to push out a patched version of Big Sur.

    Also read: macOS Big Sur – Office suite will take longer to open, Microsoft warns

    macOS Big Sur kills some older MacBook Pros

    At this stage, we do not know the exact technical reasons for the problem, nor exactly which models are affected. Nevertheless, we can immediately note that most affected users say they have a MacBook Pro 13″ vintage 2013 or mid-2014. This does not mean that other newer 15″ and 16″ models are not affected by the problem as well.

    For now, Apple has not officially acknowledged the problem. A user nevertheless explains, after contacting Apple customer service, that the firm offers to schedule a repair in an Apple Store. It seems anyway that due to the nature of the problem it is impossible to fix this fatal error remotely.

    Available since last week, macOS Big Sur is supposed to be compatible with iMac models from 2014, iMac Pro from 2017, Mac Pro from 2013, Mac Mini from 2014, MacBook from 2015, MacBook Air from 2013 and MacBook Pro from 2013. C is also the first version of macOS designed for ARM macs equipped with the new M1 chip.

    Among the new macOS Big Sur changes the design to bring it closer to iOS and iPadOS. Safari has also undergone a major facelift, as has iMessage, whose range of features now catches up with the iPhone and iPad versions.

    Source : Reddit

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