Updating computers Windows 10 al May Update 2020 continue shipped: in the last few days the number of PCs that have received the update has increased. Despite the problems reported by users and some confirmed by the Redmond company itself, the release continues shipped and is expected to arrive in the coming weeks on a large number of devices. Among the novelties that users will notice there is also a new entry in the "About PC".
It is called "Experience" and next to it is the writing Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2202.130.0. What does this new voice mean? AND what is the Windows Feature Experience Pack? What is Microsoft hiding from us? All these questions have tried to answer the colleagues of ZDNet who have also tried to obtain information from Microsoft itself, without, however, obtaining the desired effect. The Redmond company seems to want to keep the maximum confidentiality on this new feature and does not release information. Digging deep into the files of the May Update 2020, however, it is possible to understand a cosa serve Windows Feature Experience Pack.
What is Windows Feature Experience Pack
The Windows Feature Experience Pack has started appearing on PCs Windows 10 in December 2019. A muted debut that no one had given weight to, but in reality we are talking about one of the functions that Microsoft is focusing on the most. It is available for Windows 10 and for Windows Server and inside the dedicated folder (which for the moment weighs just over 40MB) are the files of various applications of the operating system. Reading the description given by Microsoft, the Windows Feature Experience Pack includes essential features for the operating system, a signal that we are faced with a really important tool.
By analyzing the available files, the Windows Feature Experience Pack appears to be something of a tool that collects some features of the PC that need faster updates than normal. For example, right now inside you can find the snipping tool, the panel for entering text. More features and apps will be added soon as well.
A cosa serve Windows Feature Experience Pack
What is Microsoft's real goal? How will the Windows Feature Experience Pack evolve? The Redmond company is preparing the ground to make Windows the operating system of all its devices and adaptable to any situation. With the creation of the Windows Feature Experience Pack it will be possible to separate the software part from that of the user interface, in order to let the developers work on single problems without having to intervene on the entire operating system each time. We will see in the next months how the Windows Feature Experience Pack will evolve.
Windows 10 hides a feature no one knows about: which one it is