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    How to disable Wind Senza Scatto

    Deactivate Wind Senza Scatto by changing plan

    As I said at the beginning, Wind 2 Senza Scatto provides for the payment of 2 euros more per month following the remodeling that involved the plan in July 2017. The news was communicated by Wind via SMS to all customers involved with at least 30 days notice (which most likely escaped you or in any case which you did not initially give particular weight to)

    During this period, the users concerned were given the opportunity to exercise the right of withdrawal within 30 days, as required by law in all cases in which a unilateral modification of the offers by the telephone operators takes place, by sending specific communion through recommended return directly to Wind, as also indicated in the section of the operator's website dedicated to communications, in correspondence with the wording Info contractual changes Wind 2 and Wind 2 No-click Rate Plan - July 2017.

    However, considering that at the time of writing this post some time has passed since the changes made by Wind and therefore it is no longer possible to exercise the right of withdrawal, the only possible solution to disable Windows Senza Scatto while remaining with the "orange manager" ”Is to change the phone plan. So let's see how.

    Calling 155

    How to disable Wind Senza Scatto

    To be able to deactivate Wind Senza Scatto by changing the plan, the first and simplest way to do this is by making phone calls to 155, the manager's customer service, so that you can contact the assistance by expressing your needs to the operator on duty and asking the latter directly to intervene for you.

    The operator will therefore propose alternative plans and you can choose which, among those available, to activate to replace Wind Senza Scatto.

    At the time of writing, after calling 155 to speak to an operator and request a change of offer, you must select the option relating toassistance (which can correspond to the keys 2 o 4 on the telephone keypad) and then the one relating tobidding assistance (which should correspond to the key 1). For more details, you can refer to my article Number to speak with Wind operator.

    However, considering that the combination of keys to be pressed may be subject to variations, in order to avoid annoying and unnecessary waste of time, always listen to the instructions of the guide voice before pressing this or that key in order to be sure not to be wrong.

    From the Wind website

    How to disable Wind Senza Scatto

    You can deactivate Wind Senza Scatto by changing the telephone plan also by connecting to Wind site and accessing the online area dedicated to customers. To do this, connected to the home, click on the item Log in at the top right and log in by typing your access data in the appropriate fields on the screen. If you are not yet registered on the site, click on the button Subscribe which is located at the bottom of the right sidebar, provide the requested data and follow the simple wizard that is proposed to you.

    Once logged in, click on the icon Customer area at the top right and click on the button Customer area attached to the sidebar. Then select the item Your offer from the left menu, go to Edit your offer, still in the left sidebar, and select the tab Base plan.

    Finally, choose one of the available plans (eg. Wind Basic) and activate it on your line by first clicking on Attiva and sweating su Confirmation.

    Via the MyWind app

    How to disable Wind Senza Scatto

    You can deactivate Wind Senza Scatto by changing the telephone plan also by acting from the app MyWind, the official application of the operator to manage everything concerning the Wind SIM cards available for Android, iOS and Windows Mobile.

    To use it in this sense, download, install and start the app, then log in with your Wind account credentials. If you don't have an active Wind account yet, click on the button New registration which is below, provide the requested data and follow the simple guided procedure that is proposed to you.

    Once logged in, step on the button with the three lines horizontally at the top left, choose the item Discount from the sidebar that appears, expand the pane Calls, Messages and the Internet, locate the section with all the basic plans and choose the one you prefer (eg. Wind Basic). Finally, stop on the button Continue and confirm your willingness to change plans.

    Going to the Wind stores

    How to disable Wind Senza Scatto

    In addition to, as I have indicated in the previous lines, you can deactivate Wind Without Snap by going to change the telephone plan by going to one of many shops of the manager present throughout the cittàn territory.

    Once you arrive on site, tell the clerk what your needs are and the latter will arrange for you, via the terminal, to replace your current telephone plan with another of your choice from those available.

    If you do not know where the Wind store closest to your area is located, you can easily find out by connecting to this special page of the Wind website and authorizing the browser to detect your geographical position. If you do not see any warning about the detection of the geographical position or if this is not correct, type the name of your city in the text field located at the top left and select the relevant suggestion from the list that you see appear.

    After searching, you will see all the Wind centers available in the area directly on the map as well as in the list on the left. By clicking on it you can charge more details (address, telephone number, etc.).

    In case of problems

    How to disable Wind Senza Scatto

    In following the instructions to deactivate Wind Senza Scatto by changing the plan that I gave you in the previous lines, did any problem arise or in any case it is some hitch? Something is not clear to you and you feel you need further explanation. So do this: get in touch with the operator through one of the appropriate official channels.

    You can do it all through social networks (Facebook or Twitter), through the aforementioned 155 or, again, through the app Wind Talk, the manager's official app available for Android and iOS through which you can send messages to other users, transfer phone credit, buy public transport tickets and, in fact, receive support. Below you will find detailed instructions on how to proceed.

    • Facebook - Connect to the Wind Facebook page and click on the button to send a message located at the top right. Therefore compose the body of the message indicating what your problems or doubts are and also indicate your Wind number and your tax code. You will soon receive an answer.
    • Twitter - Send a DM, or a private message, to the @ Windcittà account by pressing the appropriate button attached to the page of the same. Briefly explain your problem and also indicate your telephone number and your tax code. You will soon receive an answer.
    • App Wind Talk - Download, install and start the app, then create your account to access it and select the item Customer service from the section marked by the icon oflittle man. Soon you will be able to get in touch with Wind.
    • 155 - Grab your smartphone, dial the number in question in the dialer (the numeric keypad) and press the button to initiate a phone call. When the call has started, listen to the instructions of the voice guide and press the combination of keys to be able to get in touch with an operator, as I explained a few lines already on when I indicated how to disable Wind Senza Scatto by changing plan via telephone customer service. Soon you will be able to speak to a Wind consultant,

    Deactivate Wind Senza Scatto by changing operator

    How to disable Wind Senza Scatto

    Another system, a little more drastic than the previous ones but still effective, that you can adopt to disable Wind Senza Scatto is to completely change telephone operator. It is practically the only concrete solution in case you are not interested in the alternative plans to Wind Senza Scatto currently in the operator's price list and you still want to continue using your current phone number.

    If you do not know which offer of the "competition" to orient yourself to, you can take a look at my guides dedicated to the plans of those who are the main cittàn operators: TIM mobile offers, Vodafone tariffs and Switch to Three offers.

    Always to help you in your choice, you can also consult the appropriate section on Sos Rates, the well-known portal for comparisons in terms of telephony, electricity, gas etc., so that you can easily discover which are the most interesting solutions for you currently available on the market. To make a comparison between the various promotions available, just choose a consumption profile from those available at the top left and adjust your preferences using the icons located in the left sidebar.

    Once you have identified the offer that is most interesting for you, start the migration procedure by going to one of the shops of the manager you have chosen, contact one of the clerks and explain that you want to change manager. Alternatively, you can do it all by getting in touch with the customer care telephone number of the new operator.

    Next, regardless of which method you choose, you will need to provide yours identification documents and ICCID code of your current SIM and you will have to read, sign and return the documentation appropriate receipt.

    For more info on this, I suggest you consult my article on how to change telephone operator through which, in fact, I proceeded to talk to you in an extremely detailed way on the matter.

    How to disable Wind Senza Scatto

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