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    Start pages and homepage on the browser with favorite sites

      Start pages and homepage on the browser with favorite sites On most computers the homepage, i.e. the first page that opens when the internet is started, is represented by the blank page of Google. But if you have kept that initial home page on your browser for years, you may be overlooking several recently released innovations that allow you to make the homepage of the internet opening personalized, much more useful and productive, like a control panel of the most used applications and websites.
      The ideas can be many and varied so, probably, I will not be able to complete the range of possibilities in this article, however, if you follow me, I think you will find several interesting ideas that will change the way you surf the internet.

      A quality homepage, it must be neat, quick to load and with some basic functionality, Customizable, which are missing from the blank page of Google.

      Depending on the browser used, if you don't use the old-fashioned Internet Explorer, there are several possibilities.

      1) Microsoft Edge allows you to customize your initial card with your favorites and just press the + to add sites or right-click on one of the sites to remove it.

      2) If you browse the web with Opera Browser, you can use its famous and functional Speed ​​Dial. The idea is simple: every time a new tab is opened, instead of appearing empty, it shows a visual bookmark with the collection of the most used sites. It is also possible to set the sites you prefer in the speed dial, even if they are not used frequently and you can synchronize that page on multiple computers with an Opera account, so you always have an identical home page, whatever PC you use.

      3) The browser Google Chrome copied Opera's speed dial on the same principle. The Chrome page that appears when you open a new tab differs from that of Opera in several ways: it dynamically fills with the most visited pages and, at the bottom, shows the most recently visited sites. If you are not satisfied, on Chrome, you can choose a different start page by installing one of the extensions to improve the Chrome home tab.

      4) Firefox, in its latest versions, allows you to customize the new tab with your favorite sites that appear at the top, above the news of the day.

      In general, some websites that you can set as your browser homepage to start surfing the internet I'm:

      1) Symbaloo it's kind of speed Dial which allows you to fill the page with many connections divisi per categorie. Ogni collegamento è un pulsante e se si aggiungono siti come Repubblica o , cliccandovi sopra, non si aprirebbero i siti veri ma si sfoglierebbero le ultime notizie pubblicate. C'è bisogno di un account per usare il servizio e cominciare a riempire questa ottima homepage.

      2) is one of the best sites to create a bookmark page and a collection organized into categories and website labels thanks to a modern and very beautiful interface (certainly better than any bookmark manager included in the browser).

      3) Another alternative for a quick and essential home page is the website (formerly This site does nothing but show four icons plus more to add. These icons are direct links to popular online services such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, Flickr, Ebay, Blogger, Ebay and many others. The great thing is that you don't even need to register per la personalizzazione o fare un login al servizio perchè le scelte vengono memorizzate nei cookie dei file temporanei e vengono da li caricate. Questa è forse la pagina web più pulita, veloce ed efficente che esista. Nel pannello di lancio di MyFav, si può impostare qualsiasi sito dal pannello di configurazione, aggiungendo nuovi Favs, compreso . Purtroppo, per i siti preferiti non inclusi nella lista, non si può personalizzare l'icona.

      4) 3×3 links it's like the Speed ​​Dial of Opera, Chrome and Firefox, but for any browser. This ideal customizable home page, allows you to set nine links to favorite websites, in a grid, which can be started with a click or via the numeric keypad. The bookmark can then contain as many sites as you want, it is stored online and is accessible from anywhere to start browsing.
      To save your favorite sites and use your personal home page, you can use a Google account.

      5) Google Bookmarks or any favorites list might be a good place to start browsing the internet. Those who want a simple collection of links should try the Google Bookmarks service, not pretty but straightforward and straightforward, with all the bookmarks lined up line by line.

      6) and another list of favorite sites, same as Google Bookmarks, but a lot more beautiful to see. gives you the possibility to create a clean and condensed list of links, in the visual style you prefer. This page loads very quickly and is perfect as a starting point. To use you need to register for free with an email address but that shouldn't be a problem.

      7) Kadaza è una pagina di inizio che raccoglie i link ai siti el paeseni più importanti, quelli che offrono servizi unici, tutti divisi in categorie. La pagina iniziale di Kadaza si può personalizzare con i siti preferiti.

      8) Papaly is a site where the page can be created with favorite site icons.
      Registration of an account is required to create a real personalized home page with unique URL. Papaly is one of the most advanced and complete services you can find.

      9) is a very simple and effective website, where the sites are organized into categories. To save your custom page, you need to create your account. The created page can also be public and shared with other people.

      10) Netvibes o My Yahoo is a personalized home page with the contents of interest, all put together as if it were a Virgil or a Yahoo of its own (similar to the old iGoogle). Why let others post the news when I can choose which ones and from which sites to view them?

      Well in short, if all these solutions are deemed to be slow and useless, you can always opt for the white page, writing the word "about: blank" as the address of the browser home page.

      In another article, however, like create a unique link with a group of websites or web pages.

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